Timing is everything and despite MAGA’s disgust with Speaker Mike Johnson, to deny him the votes would expose tomorrow’s certification of the re-election of Donald Trump as our President to the Democrat dirty tricksters. Politics is about choices and it is also about numbers and is always about reality. There was no choice but Johnson.
In this segment, Ed breaks down what happened in the Speaker’s race and challenges people to never lose sight of the “big picture” and to not make every issue “MAGA’s Last Stand”. There a ton of work to be done and a government to be staffed with those willing to take on the swamp. We won’t win them all, but we must choose our battles strategically.
Ed Martin’s commentaries are heard on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Search for “Ed Martin’s Basic Training”. You can also find them on substack at edmartinonline.substack.com. Some segments are broadcast on KNST in Tucson, Arizona and can be heard on the I-Heart Radio app nationwide as they air.
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