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President Trump was a nice guy for his first terms and were met with wolves in sheep's clothing that tried to tear him to pieces! President Trump is more than a survivor. Truly, whatever doesn't kill him makes Donald J. Trump stronger! I read his books long before Donald Trump's Apprentice Tv show. Watching Donald Trump in action as POTUS 45 & 47 is a study for anyone looking for a mentor in life and entrepreneurship. Whatever lies the legacy aka main sleaze media try to spin have missed their target and have fallen as weak as an old man's sperm. The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) and these liars and treasonous liars that hopefully the POTUS 47 administration will bring to justice in a way that it is not lawless LawFare but USA Constitutional Justice! Donald J. Trump is pure in his thoughts, statements and actions. We are just not used to a nation's leader on the world stage being so truthful and transparent!

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