Let's get Kari Lake to run again - let's make sure the next Arizona governor election is not rigged like 2022 and stolen like 2020!!

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Denying medication when someone is ill, medication they know works is criminal.

That is exactly what happened with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine - for those with the pLandemic C19 in the at risk to full blown affects - sick and dying.

Governments made using it criminal, dispensing it criminal, prescribing it criminal ~ the only damn thing that's going to save you is this miracle vaxx injected into you. A vaxx using untested and tried chemistry and chemicals on humans while those receiving ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are getting well and better and up and going again. WTF was that all about? And the isolation of geriatric seniors from their family and friends so they remain in solitary and loneliness and despair - they can't hold on as can youth - And youth being deprived of social interaction of their peers, the quality of education and socialization will be a phenomena never done on humans in human history! What is the effect on different age groups during the 2 year government shut down from elementary to even college age? Because this is what we have and what will the effect be will be known!!!!

And they denied ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to those who needed it STAT!

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how do you know you are lonely is well we know, but how do humans know what a lonely rat is? Keep it isolated compared to a chamber with two rats? I swear computing has made us more lonely until one day we are like in the movie: "Surrogates". And many now would substitute a human like avatar for themself and feel all the pleasures having that hot gorgeous avatar we feel that a hot good looking human feels with other similar hot good looking humans - all avatars and all giving full sensory to the human driving it! Include board meetings and I dunno, auto assembly lines, and these avatars have 3 times the human strenght and endurance. You can go to school even on line to be certified to have your avatar.

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Kari Lake for governor. 2022 was leftover from 2020 rigging and theft!

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What is up with the Robson endorsement by Trump? Isn't Kari going to run again?

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